What Red Ember would like to do for you.
Our goal is to help marketing teams and small businesses get more accomplished, more efficiently. We aim to always empower the client by implementing processes and solutions that they own and control in order to accomplish their business objectives.
How Red Ember works.
Red Ember combines technology, design, and process consulting to deliver solutions that help organizations improve their marketing resource efficiency. We work with you to develop marketing strategies, improve lead segmentation, lead nurturing, website activity reporting, analytics, campaign automation, and prospect profile development.
The only thing second to great communication is transparency. Not only do we maintain a line of communication with you throughout your project, our philosophy is to put you in control of as much information and account credentials as possible, ensuring your digital assets remain yours.
Who Red Ember likes to work with.
190west and Red Ember Marketing partners with technology vendors, designers, specialty media companies and other talented professionals to bring the highest quality individuals to your projects.
Although we can assist with helping to implement any marketing automation platform, we recommend SharpSpring and Marketo. If you're seeking to manage and cross promote your content to improve your inbound marketing efforts, we recommend HubSpot.
We also work with local development and PR companies including our friends at Carney Communications and others.